
Jude: The Divorced Dadvocate

Dads experience divorce differently and it is my mission to help them create a healthy and less traumatic divorce and an amazing life for themselves and their children.

I am Jude Sandvall and I am a divorced, single father of 3 children. My divorce and the subsequent years are a case study in facing and overcoming the most difficult challenges in learning to thrive after divorce. I’ve been through it all including the court process, co-parenting, dating with kids and more!

As an Integrative Wellness & Life Transformation Coach and Integrative NLP Practitioner I use cutting-edge approaches to coaching dads. I will assist you in creating a crystal clear vision for your life after divorce, uncover any hidden challenges that may be sabotaging you, and leave you renewed, re-energized, and inspired. I achieve this through my customized 5-step process that I have utilized in my own life and successfully taught to other divorced dads.
