Dads Dating After Divorce
Are you a dad who is starting to date again after your divorce? Well...let us tell you that things have probably changed since you last dated. And you now have these tiny human beings that impact your dating life. Tune in and listen to Ralph and Jude as they share strategies from their respective work with dads and men at DadStartingOver.com and TheDivorcedDadvocate.com.
Dads Dating After Divorce
#2 - The Tactical Guide To Women With Dr. Shawn T. Smith
Jude: The Divorced Dadvocate / Ralph: DSO (Dad Starting Over) / Shawn T. Smith
Season 1
Episode 2
Dr. Shawn T. Smith joins the show to share wisdom from his book The Tactical Guide To Women: How Men Can Manage Risk In Dating And Marriage. Listen in as Shawn talks about risk management, the bright triad of women, and how to avoid completely f*ing up your life.
Dad Starting Over Website - http://DadStartingOver.com
The Divorced Dadvocate Website - http://TheDivorcedDadvocate.com
Music Credit: Akira The Don